Student Design Competition

The Student Design Competition is held every year. The program challenges Ontario university and college students to put their design skills to work on an Ontario aggregate extraction site to create a rehabilitation design that maximizes the opportunities that the site will offer. Winners are awarded monetary prizes and winning entries are displayed at OSSGA's Annual Conference. 

Students in any post secondary program involving landscape architecture, planning, ecology, environmental design, engineering, hydrology and georgraphy, just to name a few, are encouraged to enter.

Submission Deadline:

  • Friday, January 6, 2023 (for those participating during the fall semester)

Projects are judged annually in January, shortly after the submission deadline.

Costs: To offset production and site tour costs (COVID permitting), OSSGA will consider written requests for funding from participating schools, which are received by the end of the 2nd month of the semester in which the students are participating: October 31st for fall semester participants or February 28th for winter semester participants.

Criteria: Student Design Competition Guidelines 2020

The Student Design Competition is sponsored by The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation (TOARC) and administered by OSSGA.