Commissioned by the Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (OSSGA), this report was prepared by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) with the intention of providing an independent and impartial quantitative and qualitative analysis on the implications of far-from-market aggregate production.
As such, the study is divided into four parts:
Part One assesses the upstream and downstream economic value of Ontario’s aggregates industry;
Part Two identifies the relationship between transportation costs and distance and examines the implications of transportation costs for select infrastructure projects;
Part Three qualitatively evaluates the environmental implications of a longer haul distance; and
Part Four presents a case study to illustrate the economic and environmental impact of closing the Nelson Aggregate Co. quarry in Burlington, Ontario.
This report is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all existing far-from-market implications.
OSSGA Commercial Aggregate and Membership Directory
The OSSGA Commercial Aggregate and Membership Directory is a comprehensive guide to the OSSGA, its members, industry suppliers, industry related companies and associations, and key government ministries. Aggregate resource location maps are also included. This publication is designed to assist members access their industry colleagues. It's an invaluable reference guide to members and non-members.
Member cost: $30.00 (+$17.00* S&H & HST)
Non-member cost: $60.00 (+$17.00* S&H & HST)
*Ontario only. Out-of-province deliveries subject to additional shipping costs. Please contact Eva Da Silva for more information.
Click here to order
Member companies that have placed an advertisement in our directory (in addition to the free listing) will receive additional complimentary copies of the Source Book based on the size of the ad and insertion frequency. For those that have missed this year's advertising opportunity and wish to place an ad in next year's Source Book should contact Carly Holmstead or Sharon Armstrong.
OSSGA Materials Reference Guide

The Print Edition of the Materials Reference Guide is now available to order. The booklet includes updated aggregate specification tables, definitions, aggregate tests, sample testing aggregates, conversions and statistics, and a metric reference for sieves.
Member cost: $25.00 (+$3.00 S&H & HST)
Non-member cost: $45.00 (+$3.00 S&H & HST)
Click here to order
The online edition can be found through Apple or Android devices called "OSSGA Material Reference Guide"
Free Resources
OSSGA Official Plan Guide for Producers
Please note, that as of April 3, 2018, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has been replaced by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). This guide will therefore be updated in the coming months. Thank you for your patience.
For any queries, please contact Norm Cheesman:
OSSGA has launched a new guidebook to help aggregate producers better understand and participate in the development of Official Plan policies in municipalities across Ontario. The comprehensive guide will also be helpful to those interested in learning more about the Official Plan process, including NGOs and municipality staff and councillors.
OSSGA Wetland Rehabilitation Study
The Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (OSSGA) has released a study on the creation of wetland features at former aggregate pits and quarries within the Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine and the Niagara Escarpment Plan Areas. The study reveals a total of 293 hectares of aquatic habitat features – or the equivalent of 1,849 NHL sized hockey rinks – have been created through the rehabilitation of surrendered aggregate sites.
Aggregates Build Ontario
Aggregate is stone, sand and
gravel. It’s in the buildings where
we live and work. It’s in the roads
and sidewalks we drive and walk
on. It’s used in water purification
processes, and in the manufacture
of everything from paper and paint
to chewing gum and household
When you think about it, aggregate
is quite literally the foundation of
our economy and society
Ontario Case Studies: Water Supply and Aggregate Extraction
In our view, “Ontario Case Studies - Water Supply and Aggregate Extraction” is an important adjunct to an earlier study published by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Blackport Hydrogeology Inc. & Golder Associates; Applied Research on Source Water Protection Issues in the Aggregate Industry; Phase I Findings; November, 2006i.) Its worldwide literature review on aggregate extraction and water supplies found almost no documented scientific evidence that the extraction and processing of stone, sand and gravel represents a threat to drinking water sources.
This study, conducted by SENES Consultants, on behalf of OSSGA, expands on that work by examining five case histories in Ontario where aggregate operations have been carried out in close proximity to municipal water wells. In each case there is no evidence to suggest that the aggregate operations have contaminated or depleted these important drinking water sources.
OSSGA Report To Ontario's Communities | 2015
OSSGA Study of Aggregate Site Rehabilitation in Ontario, 2010-2011
Between October 2010 and May 2011, field data was compiled and analyzed to generate baseline information on the status of rehabilitation on surrendered sites in Ontario. The data was also used to identify rehabilitation trends in the province. This information will enable those making future decisions about land use planning and successful site rehabilitation. It will also be useful to evaluate plans for interim land uses, such as aggregate operations, within the context of achievable long-term rehabilitation outcomes.
OSSGA Study of Aggregate Site Rehabilitation in Ontario - Part II - Consolidated Report 2010-2013
Part II of the OSSGA rehabilitation study initiative gathered field data on an additional 231 sites across Southern Ontario during the summer months of 2013. Part II of this study initiative combines the collected data from 2010 and 2013 to form a comprehensive representation of rehabilitated aggregates sites across the Province of Ontario (a total of 568 sites).
OSSGA Study of Aggregate Site Rehabilitation in Ontario - Part II ADDENDUM - 2014
Between 2010 and 2014, researchers from OSSGA visited and assessed the condition of a total of 701 pits and quarries across southern and eastern Ontario that were licensed, rehabilitated and surrendered under the Aggregate Resources Act (1990) or the Pits and Quarries Control Act (1971). This addendum to the 2013 Part II reports adds an additional 133 records to the OSSGA Rehabilitation Database and completes the rehabilitation statistics for Bruce, Dufferin and Simcoe Counties.
Aggregate Pop-outs Position Paper
The presence of surface blemishes, such as aggregate pop-outs (either coarse aggregate or fine aggregate) is not necessarily an indication of a weak or low-durability pavement surface. <READ MORE>
OSSGA Industry Advancement/Student Design Competition Awards Book
The OSSGA Industry Advancement Awards Program, which is presented annually at OSSGA's Annual General Meeting, recognizes a wide range of activities that contribute to a progressive image of our member aggregate producers and the aggregate industry as a whole.
OSSGA's annual Student Design Competition challenges Ontario university and college students to put their design skills to work on an Ontario aggregate extraction site to create a rehabilitation design that maximizes the opportunities that the site will offer. Winners are awarded monetary prizes and their winning entries are displayed at OSSGA's Annual General Meeting.
For the current awards program, please click here.