OSSGA in the News February 27, 2024
OSSGA is committed to being the voice of aggregate and educating the public by celebrating the successes of our members with stories about awards and community involvement and also correcting misinformation that appears in the media. Read recent articles and responses here!

OSSGA Responds to NIMBY Report

January 20, 2021 at 2:52 PM

Last week we learned that a NIMBY group sent a communication to local councillors and Mayors in communities across Ontario containing erroneous information about the aggregate industry.  In response, OSSGA prepared a communication that we sent to mayors and councillors in communities where we know, or believe, the communication was received. 

OSSGA’s letter focused on our mandate to correct misinformation about the industry that often finds its way into the media and the community at large.  ‘NIMBY’ groups present themselves as watchdogs of industry, but all too often offer observations and recommendations which meet their own agendas and do not reflect the broader community and business interests.   As always, OSSGA offered an opportunity to help councillors and mayors answer any questions raised about the location and operation of pits and quarries in their constituencies.